Thomas Sully in 1869 |
Thomas Sully
1783 - 1872
Famous English-born
American portrait painter
‘The portrait… was that of a young girl.
It was a mere head and shoulders… much in the style of the favourite heads of Sully.
The arms, the bosom, and even the ends of the radiant hair,
melted imperceptibly into the vague yet deep shadow
which formed the background of the whole.’
‘The Oval Portrait’, E.A. Poe
'Self-portrait of the artist painting his wife' (Sarah Annis Sully), oil on canvas, ca. 1810 |
'A life study of the Marquis de Lafayette' oil on canvas, ca. 1824-1825 |
Portrait of Andrew Jackson 7th President of the United States (1829-1837) 1824 used for the United States' $ 20 dollar bill from 1828 onward |
'Gypsy Maiden', watercolor on paper, ca. 1839 |
'Cinderella at the kitchen fire', 1843 |
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